Tuesday, September 2, 2014

JetBlue Offers $50 Off Tickets for Cleaning Airplanes

(This is a spoof post inspired by the high number of non-uniformed jetBlue employees cleaning the plane)

New York City - jetBlue has announced a new discount for their clean-conscious and OCD customers. The "CleanUp Crew" discount allows up to six passengers to assist in cleaning the plane after arrival and deplaning. 

This discount can be up to $50, depending on the type of aircraft and hygiene of the deplaning passengers. 

Passengers will be notified of the discount prior to landing. New "Crewmembers" will don blue surgical gloves and go row to row picking up trash and performing minor cleanups. 

jetBlue hopes this new discount will cut costs, lower the number of on-location employees and encourage passengers to pick up after themselves. 

No word as this discount will one day allow for free flights in exchange for cleanup on larger planes. 

(This is a spoof post inspired by the high number of non-uniformed jetBlue employees cleaning their plane)

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