Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How to Place Windows Ads in Programs

Last updated 11/6/2012

It's finally here!

Ads for normal software programs!   

We have seen the growth of ads on websites (www.adsense.com and www.adwords.com) and their associated platforms. This was around 2003-2005

We have seen the growth and strength of ads in mobile apps (www.iads.com and www.androidads.com), unfortunately one of these platforms is limited to just Apple.

Now we see the birth of a MONSTER!

Ads in software tools.   This will be the future and the pie in the sky for all developers.  This will spur the growth of Windows Software tools for everything.

There have always been free Windows tools created by an honest coder that wants to improve the world.  Some of these free apps were made by dishonest coders and the apps did more than you think...

And for the last three years, these free tools have incorporated all sorts of free add-ons to the installer - those are the pesky things you have to say no to as you install.

Now it's changed.

Coders can now place ads in any Windows Software Tool and get PAID.  Here's more info:


Developer Documentation:


The SDK:


Now it is worthwhile to make all those little software tools work right!

This change is a monster.  PC's account for 90% of the laptop/desktop market.  Mobile devices are a fraction of this amount.

Imagine how much money Microsoft will make if they place an ad bar to the bottom of Outlook or Excel (They won't, of course, but it would bring traffic to marketers).

If I was smart, I would start a platform to sell this ad-service as a competitor to Windows...

Have a great day!

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